
Methyl pipecolinate hydrochloride

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Upstream Synthesis Route 1

  • 67-56-1
  • 4043-87-2
  • 32559-18-5

Reference: [1] European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, vol. 2014, # 29, p. 6467 - 6480

Upstream Synthesis Route 2

  • 38195-81-2
  • 32559-18-5

Reference: [1] Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001, vol. 66, # 15, p. 5264 - 5265

Upstream Synthesis Route 3

  • 67-56-1
  • 4043-87-2
  • 32559-18-5

Reference: [1]European Journal of Organic Chemistry,2014,vol. 2014,p. 6467 - 6480

Downstream Synthesis Route 1

  • 32559-18-5
  • 19889-77-1

Reference: [1] Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, vol. 51, # 9, p. 2744 - 2757
[2] Patent: US2006/58308, 2006, A1, . Location in patent: Page/Page column 67
[3] Patent: US2006/84640, 2006, A1, . Location in patent: Page/Page column 32

Downstream Synthesis Route 2

  • 5162-44-7
  • 32559-18-5
  • 132910-65-7

Reference: [1]Journal of Organic Chemistry,1991,vol. 56,p. 2775 - 2781

Downstream Synthesis Route 3

  • 17648-26-9
  • 32559-18-5
  • 156370-67-1

Reference: [1]Tetrahedron,1994,vol. 50,p. 4887 - 4896

* For details of the synthesis route, please refer to the original source to ensure accuracy.

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