
Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate

Catalog Number
Metal & Ceramic Materials
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula

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Iron(II) chloride tetrahydrate
Boiling Point
1026 °C
Melting Point
105 °C
1.93 g/cm³
Yellow to green solid
Store at +15 °C to +25 °C
What is the chemical formula of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate?

The chemical formula of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is Cl2FeH2O.

What is the molecular weight of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate?

The molecular weight of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is 144.76 g/mol.

What is the melting point of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate?

The melting point of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is 105 °C.

What is the specific gravity of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate?

The specific gravity of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is 1.93.

What are the storage conditions recommended for Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate?

It is recommended to store Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate at +15°C to +25°C.

What is the color of Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate?

Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is yellow to green in color.

How is Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate used in pharmaceutical preparations?

Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is used as a reducing agent in metallurgy, in pharmaceutical preparations.

In what applications is Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate used as a reducing agent?

Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate is used as a reducing agent in many organic synthesis reactions.

What crystal system does Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate crystallize in?

Crystal structure studies suggest that Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate crystallizes in a monoclinic system.

How is Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate purified?

Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate can be purified by dissolving it in conductivity water with HCl and pure electrolytic iron, then reducing and filtering it under N2 pressure.

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